Happy Canada Day Everyone! (tomorrow of course) I wish I could be there celebrating but I also can't pass up the chance of being back in Mozambique, so I guess it's okay to miss out one year. There is also just 3 weeks left until I leave Beira, and only 1 month until I come home! How crazy is that? Man the time is flying by. In my mind it seems like I've been blogging every other day but then I realize that
a week has already passed.
This week was a little slower than normal because Karen has been preparing her Gender Equality study, so that hasn't left me with much to do. Although I did get a chance to walk with the health team in one of the villages, viewing the booklet that they use to teach about proper health guidelines and such. Since being here I have come to realize that education is so valuable. It's difficult to become well established here. It requires a LOT of work and I've realized that I haven't really had to work hard to GO to school, but I have worked hard while studying in school. But even having the chance to go to university and pursue courses is difficult, so I am so much more grateful now for the schooling I am doing right now. Even though I may not be too sure as to what I want to do now, I do realize the working hard in school is important and that I can't take it for granted. So that is one of the lessons I have learned so far.
I have realized that if Optometry is something I do want to do in the future, it will be a great benefit for possibly helping people here in the future. People have poor vision here and they are in great need of eye doctors. That made me really excited and more determined to think about optometry as a career!
Also, it will be interesting to see what July brings because I'm not too sure what my responsibilities are going to be! But I'm excited as usual!
Anyways, on to these lovely pictures!
Julie and Jen, this one's for you! There were these 2 twin boys in one of the villages that I thought were awesome with their thumbs up! haha
Joao Jone and his wife, Catarina. This is a great man with a great family! I worked along side this man while I was a missionary in Inhamizua and it was a great privilege seeing him again! I love his family so much!
Constancia and her wonderful family! Her childrens names are Yurin, Jennifer (woohoo!), Kafrina, Nhasha and Efugenia. Constancia is the Inhamizua relief society president and has served in that position for about 4 years! She retold me a story of when she was feeling very down and that she remembers I gave her encouragement and told her that if I asked for help in my calling that the Lord would help her! Wow! It's so amazing to see all these memories that people have of me while as a missionary and it has really reconfirmed that my mission was a success in my eyes and the Lords eyes.
Karen and I were doing some rearranging with all of our suitcases and found some BUBBLES! I felt like a little kid all over again, but who am I kidding? I feel like a kid everyday! haha
One of the great members Raimundo from Inhamizua! He is very dedicated to living the gospel!
Joanqueiro is another wonderful member from Inhamizua. Him and Raimundo helped me around on Friday visiting some families! It's amazing how much I had forgotten my way around, haha. But thanks to my wonderful friends it was easy!
I guess I have a new obsession! Okay, okay maybe I have always really liked high top shoes so maybe it's a hobby let's say, haha. Anyways I bought 2 new pairs of shoes! I definitely haven't bought any shoes like these before (aka I'm a fairly conservative shoe kind of guy) but I decided I would be a little different haha but I love them!
I served with this Elder in my mission! I didn't serve as companions, but we lived in the same house when I was serving in Maputo. His name is Jackson Sande and he is a great guy! He is now married and has a beautiful little girl! It's great seeing people I knew from my mission! He actually is serving on the high council right now so he is strong in the gospel!