Sunday, May 19, 2013

How Could I forget about this place!?

            Goodbye Canada.  Hello Africa!  Well, it’s official.  I finally made it to Mozambique after some very long flights!  Words can’t really describe the feeling I had as I landed in the place I spent 2 years of my life as a missionary!  Memories started pouring into my mind as I passed through the city of Beira.  To be honest, I’ve been quite nervous about the whole travelling to Africa thing.  Not because I thought I couldn’t do it, but because I know I would miss people who are very close to me. NEWSFLASH KEVIN! I’m gonna be back in Canada at the end of July.  I won’t be here forever! Although it’s a long time to be away from family, friends, and .......a significant other, the time is going to go by fast because of the busy days ahead!  

            The chance of returning to a far away country I love doesn’t come everyday!  That’s why I’m going to make the very most of these couple months I have here in Mozambique! 

            On a side note, I drove for the very first time here since my mission! Driving on the opposite side of the road, along with the steering wheel and clutch on the right side of the vehicle can always be entertaining! Just make sure you don’t revert your mind back to Canada laws, or else you may end up in an accident!

Anyways, it's time to go for now! Tomorrow will be a big day of training!

Hope you like the pic! ---mosquito net and all

1 comment:

  1. We're so glad you made it there safely - you're going to have a wonderful time and are going to do so much good for others.
    You rock!
    Love you lots!
