Well, I can't believe that the time has flown by! It's been 9 days since my last blog....shame shame Kevin...I hope I don't give my family a bad name haha. Shon and Giovanna have been working hard with the new curriculum for the childrens club. They have been attending the classes and have been deciding what are the best possibilities and ideas to rearrange the cirriculum so that more of the children will be able to participate. They have been doing a great job! Karen has been enjoying her gender equality survey a lot! It's interesting to see how people view equality among men and women here in Mozambique! It is actually a lot more equal among people here than what I had previously thought, which is a good thing!
I have mostly been helping where I can. I don't have a specific responsibility, but as team leader I have been able to help with everyones projects in any ways that I can. I love this country so much and it's been amazing to work with such great people from Care For Life. We had 2 celebrations. Ngupa 1 and 2 have both finished the Family Preservation Program and we celebrated with dancing and presentations of awards. Every family who fulfills their goals with CFL will each receive 2 bags of cement and some tin roofing materials. It was great to be apart of this!
Sabados and Mariamo, both CFL field officers put together a little skit as to why CFL is an important program!
My white boy dance moves came out on the dance floor and Adilson and I had our own little dance off! Haha Adilson and I have grown to be good friends
What's a picture without a child, right? This little girl "Dolly" was one of my buddies I hung out with often. Haha I think her name is great!
These centipede thingys are all over here! Apparently they are not poisonous so Adilson grabbed one while I snapped a picture
Karen and I made the most amazing cinnamon rolls the other night! Okay, okay, it was mostly Karen who made them, but I did help mix the dough and stuff. She has taught me lots of cooking skills and other stuff since I've been her. She is great!
Today we were walking in a village called Motel Bispo and we found this coconut three that had fallen down, but somehow still managed to grow upwards at the top!....Follow the trunk of the tree all the way to the end and those leaves on the tallest tree at the top of the picture is the top of this coconut tree! Crazy eh!?
Oh my, these kids are seriously my greatest friends! Haha yesterday we went to a village called Jean Piaget. When I was driving the Landcruiser, I rolled the window down and the kids were chanting..."Kevin, kevin, kevin" hahaha. I guess they have gotten used to me since being here. I have also shown them how to make goofy faces too---love these kids!
Well, time is flying by and hopefully I can post some more pictures before I head out!